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SAIIIEK SAIIIEK    2   14.09.2019 02:20    6

tiser tiser  14.09.2019 02:20
The idol is the perfect incarnation, the best example of humanity. if you choose the ideal, then the best. my ideal is the best, my idol is the king of pop michael jackson. michael jackson was born for the stage, he lived on it all his life, but first of all remained a man. he stood before us on his knees, and so only he could one of all the kings! michael was one of them, he wanted to always live in this world, the world of childhood, but he always reminded in what world he lives. let him not become peter pen on the screen, but as he also gave his fans a flight in life. michael's voice trembled, millions of people admired him. he sang like an angel, and danced like - the devil.
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