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Hi Wendy!
Greetings from New York. It’s great here. I’ve been shopping all day and I’m really tired, but at least I have finished buying presents now. It’s so difficult to find something for everyone!
The easiest person to buy for was my little brother, Tim. I bought him a silver robot. He’ll love it! It walks, talks and does tricks! I had more trouble finding something for my dad, though. He seems to have everything already! In the end, I bought him a brown leather wallet. His old one is falling apart. My mum likes everything I buy for her, so I got her a lovely silver picture frame. I’ve also found some striped cushions for my grandma. I hope she will like them!
I’ve bought a present for you, too. I won’t say what it is though, as that would ruin the surprise.
See you in a few weeks,