Написать письмо о лондоне на английском

ЗайчонокЛайм ЗайчонокЛайм    2   20.10.2020 06:01    6

stasyaukg stasyaukg  19.11.2020 06:02


London is the capital of Great Britain. London is a very big city, one of the oldest cities in the world. The population of the city is over 8 million people. People in London speak more than 300 languages.

This city is very beautiful. There are a lot of monuments, palaces, parks and beautiful streets in London. The river Thames flows through the city.

The main attraction of London is the Big Ben clock tower. This tower is located near Trafalgar Square. A lot of people, tourists and residents, visit this area for the holidays.

Tower is one of London's most famous buildings. At first it was a Royal Palace, and then this building became a prison. It is now a museum. All guests of London try to visit it. Many tourists, when visiting London try to visit the Museum-apartment of Sherlock Holmes on Baker Street.

English Queen Elizabeth and her family live In London in Buckingham Palace . The people of London love their Queen.

There are a lot of shops in the center of London. But tourists should be careful, as there are a lot of pickpockets in London.

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