Написать письмо джону на тему "компьютер в моей жизни"

elenafink69 elenafink69    2   09.08.2019 12:00    1

Viktoria12311 Viktoria12311  04.10.2020 07:14
At the moment the computer has an important role in the life of every person . But it also has pros and cons . The pros are that ,with the help of computer we can find the information we need on the Internet ,we can communicate with people who can play ,to have fun, smashie watch videos ,write scientific papers , to develop .The downside is that the computer is not very good for the human body .If it's too long to spend their time at the computer ,your eyesight will slowly deteriorate .Sharply at times can get a headache . Getting addicted ,which is bad impact on a person takes a lot of free time . I spend at the computer a little time just for everything you need .I think this is an important discovery for mankind .The main thing to observe rules and carry out a certain amount of time around him.
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