Написать письмо другу про мою семью и задать 3 вопроса про подругу кейт? моя семья небольшая я и мама.маму зовут елена ей 36 меня же зовут настя мне 16 учусь в 10 классе.мы с мамой любим проводить время вместе.

вк2012 вк2012    3   12.06.2019 19:00    0

474886 474886  02.10.2020 00:43
Thanks for your letter, it's great to receive it! You asked me to tell you about my family.
Well, my family is small. I've got only mom... Her name is Helen and she is 36. As well, as you know it I'm Anastasiya, and i'm in the 10th class. 
I'd like to tell you about my mom
She has got ___ hair and ___ eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a . She likes her work very much.
We like to spend time with each other
What about your girlfriend? Is she with you now? How she is doing? Can we talk with her in the next letter&
Sorry, I have to go now. Write back soon! 
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