Написать письмо другу (представить, что ты на каникулах, написать что собираешься/не собираешься делать (going to) на с переводом на . текст не большой маленький

полина2054 полина2054    2   01.09.2019 00:20    1

magnatca magnatca  20.08.2020 19:44
Dear friend,
I'm very glad to hear you again! 
On holidays I'm going to visit my grandparents. They live in a small country not far from Moscow. I'm going to spend a lot of time outside, for instance, I'm going to sunbathe and help my grandparents with their duties. So, my holidays are going to be exciting!
With love, *имя*.
Olgadaleewa Olgadaleewa  20.08.2020 19:44
Hello Mary it's me again! I haven't got much time but I still wanted to white you a letter. I just finished my school and I'm going to get reddy for those horrible exams! I'm not going to learn every thing but most of all. Oh well, I got to go see you bye!
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