Написать письмо другу на как я провожу свободное время 100-120 слов надо

geekeuphoria geekeuphoria    2   16.09.2019 14:30    3

VlEllen VlEllen  07.10.2020 19:54
Hi Ainur How are you, I'm fine. Let me tell you what I do in my spare time. When I have free time, I go in for sports.

I go to the gym not far from my house three times a week. Twice a week I go to fitness and once a week - to the gym. I have my personal trainer, which shows me how correctly and how often it is necessary to do exercises. Over the past month I have greatly improved my athletic performance. After playing sports I feel good. In addition, my body becomes flexible, strong and enduring. I also get sick less often. I believe that doing sports not only improves well-being and strengthens health. Well, that's it, if you read it, I'll get an answer sooner. Till
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