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last monday my new friend sarah came round. well my bedroom is always a bit messy but that day i managed to tidy it in ten minutes. hope my mom will never know that i put the clothes that were all over the floor into the bin bags and pretended it was for charity. what about you? does your room look like a bomb has exploded? how often do you sort out your room? do you have any speed-cleaning tips?

SashylikS SashylikS    2   25.01.2020 09:43    328

Света3811 Света3811  11.10.2020 03:10

Hi. Yes, my room looks terrible most of the time. I don't clean it very often, since I don't see a point in it. I can sleep in it, I can spend time in it so it's not completely trashed. I wouldn't say a bomb has exploded there. No clothes lay around the floor. But even so, I sort out my room every once in a while. I'd say, once in two weeks, maybe. As for speed-cleaning tips, I'd say most important is to not get distracted. Because if you're cleaning your room and you get distracted, it's over. Don't take your phone out and start from picking up your clothes and sort them where they belong to immediately. Don't just misplace them on the back of a chair or on couch. Sincerely, your friend.

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