Написать ответное письмо дженнифер на тему путешествие! (на языке,ну или хотя бы на )

Tytiki Tytiki    2   30.06.2019 13:10    1

Smal1488 Smal1488  02.10.2020 16:11
Hello dear Jennifer!
Thank you for last letter and sorry for that I took so long for send new.
You said that you like trips and I want to say that me too! Last time I was on moutains with my friends. It was so fun and interesting. Very beautiful nature. We watched on the sinrise and sunset every day. I was on this trip 7 days. I wish one day you can see the same! Next time I'll go to the USA . I like this country. I very want to see one city this is Houston in Texas and I hope soon my dream will be in real life.
So Jennifer I wish you be careful on next trip and take enjoy from it!
                                                      with love твое имя.
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