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valentinastarod valentinastarod    1   25.08.2019 19:00    16

Deelay Deelay  05.10.2020 19:28
The world has not been the same as we know it today. Humanity has come a long historical way since the Stone Age. And choosing the most important events in world history is one of the most difficult and controversial task. 
Perhaps the most important thing that happened to the world was the Second World War. It was the largest and deadliest war in human history. We should be aware of horror and destruction the war can bring. And we should do all our best to save our society from повторення such a terrible event.
The second world war lasted 6 years, swept almost all continents. It was attended by over 60 countries
It goes without saying that there are pros and cons of each war. Let's start from the negative impacts.
The negative effects of war are, of course, death and destruction.  Millions of people have died in such a big wars like WWII.  Cities can be devastated, hurting a country’s economy.  These things cause terrible human misery.
There are, however, also possible positive effects of war.  War can correct terrible injustices.  For example, the US Civil War caused an end to slavery in that country.
Wars can also lead to technological advances that help society.  One instance of this is the development of air travel after WWII, which was strongly influenced by the wartime development of large, long-range bombers.   
War accelerates both technological and medical advances because all sides are attempting to invent better ways of killing and better methods of preserving the lives of combatants, and some of these advances benefit the civilian populations, assuming they survive the war.
It is reasonable to conclude that all wars are bad, but, in rare cases, war is forced upon the participants by the actions of one or all parties.  It is also reasonable to believe that the negative effects of war, in all cases, far exceed the potential benefits.  The fact is, there are no good wars.  There are only wars that are less bad than others.

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