Написать небольшую биографию вильема шекспира
1) кто этот человек, профессия: william shakespeare was a play writer (play – пьеса).
2) чем знаменит: he is famous for his poems and plays.
3) когда родился: he was born in april, 1564 in stratford-upon-avon
4) кем был по национальности: hewasbritain
5) что делал в молодые годы (когда он был молодой, он …): whenhewasyoung, hemarriedannhathaway
6) самые известные произведения: his most famous writings are "romeo and juliet" and "hamlet"
7) когда умер: he died in 1616.
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William Shakespeare was born in April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon and he was Britain.
He was a play writer and he is famous for his poems and plays. His most famous writings are "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet"
When he was young, he married Ann Hathaway.
He died in 1616 in age of 52.