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Shop assisstant Can I help you?
Customer 1 No, I’m being served, thanks.
[another shop assistant is already helping me]
Shop assisstant Do you need any help?
Customer 2 Yes, I’ve just tried on this jacket in a size 12,
and it didn’t really fit me; it’s a bit tight [too small around the
body; opp loose/big]. Have you got it in a bigger size?
Shop assisstant We have got a size 14, but not in pink, I’m afraid.
Customer 2 Oh, that’s a shame [that is disappointing; syn that’s a pity]. OK. I’ll leave it, thanks.
[I have decided not to buy it; opp I’ll take it/them]
Shop assisstant OK. I’m sorry about that. … Can I help you?
Customer 3 Yes, I’m looking for a skirt and this looks nice. [I want to find a skirt] Can I try it on?
Shop assisstant Yes, of course. The changing rooms are down there. [the place where you can try on clothes]