Написать маленькое сочинение 6-7 предложений на тему предмет без которого мне было бы тяжело жить.на естественно)

ден1019 ден1019    1   23.04.2019 23:50    0

nargiz999 nargiz999  08.06.2020 12:53

I very much love English язызык. It is my most favourite lesson at school. English lessons at us pass in school interestingly. And I try not to miss lessons English. And in the future I want to become the translator of English. I don't put school where don't pass English

kz2388 kz2388  08.06.2020 12:53

The thing I can live without is computer.Everyday it helps me in different ways.Then I want to read any book I can read it on computer.Also I can make a short film,listen to music,watch movies.If I want to relax I play my favourite video game.I can chat with my friends from different countries with help of computer.

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