Написать mail на тему поход; ответив на вопросы: умеешь ли ты паковать портфель? (ну, для похода), ты ходишь в походы? что ты кладешь в рюкзак? (естественно, походный) ! !
Do you know how to pack your backpack? - Yes, I do. I often do it. Do you go hiking? Of, course, I do. Sometimes when the weather is fine I go hiking with my family or with my friends. What do you put in the backpack? As a rule, I put some food and drinks in it. Sometimes I put my warm things in my backpack in cause of bad or rainy weather.
Do you go hiking? Of, course, I do. Sometimes when the weather is fine I go hiking with my family or with my friends.
What do you put in the backpack? As a rule, I put some food and drinks in it. Sometimes I put my warm things in my backpack in cause of bad or rainy weather.