Написать краткое сочинение о российском футболисте. если можно на языке. )

dashaskulova dashaskulova    2   24.08.2019 12:10    0

lilyaepifanova lilyaepifanova  05.10.2020 16:34
Окей. Сейчас только по русскому напишу!
bogdanka1503p08ifa bogdanka1503p08ifa  05.10.2020 16:34
Football is considered to be the most popular sport games in the world. It is my favourite game as well. Together with my dad we are fans of football. We always watch important football matches on TV. At weekends sometimes we go to our stadium to watch the games of local teams. I know that British people are ardent fans of this game. They even have some Premier League football clubs, such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal. 
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