Написать эссе по ) местная газета попросила мое мнение по следующему утверждению: • мы больше не нуждаемся в библиотеках - мы можем просто загружать книги с интернета. напишите эссе для газеты, представляя свое мнение и объяснения с причинами и примерами (120-180 слов).

Timoxin Timoxin    3   29.07.2019 14:20    31

kateryna264 kateryna264  03.10.2020 16:38
I think that this statement is very incorrect and I do not agree with you. People need libraries and will always need libraries. Not everyone has access to electronics and can read books on them. Besides, most books online aren't free but libraries are free and anyone can read books from libraries. Personally, I like reading physical books because I love the smell when you open up a new book and put your face in it, the smell is amazing. You can't do that with electronic books. This is why we need libraries and real books instead of books on the internet.
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