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Vjjiychyuy Vjjiychyuy    1   23.06.2019 20:10    1

АртёмПлотников АртёмПлотников  19.07.2020 15:19

I can’t but admit the fact, that it took me time to get used to my e-reader and honestly estimate its advantages. As I come from a family of passionate book-lovers, I had always valued books, their smell, the exclusiveness of their pictures and fonts, and a romantic idea of having a home library. E-reader has produced some kind of revolution in my attitude to books and reading.

First of all we have to start with the notion of progress. Everyone agrees that progress is good. E-reader is the next step from the paper book, and the whole world would sooner a later make this step.

Paper books nowadays are very, very expensive. With an e-reader you can download e-books for free or much cheaper (sometimes e-books are 10 times cheaper than paper editions). Modern e-books deliver illustrations and fonts of the same quality as printed books do. If speaking about new publications, you can’t at once understand, would you enjoy reading them, and buying a printed book you make a hard choice, pay at once and if you later find it a poor literary quality, the price you paid will make you regret. At this price you can download 6-8 new publications and give up reading if you don’t like without any material regrets.

E-reader is a modern device, designed to comfort the process of reading in the best possible way. Modern e-readers have wi-fi access to the internet, and you can download books directly. Think about it, it’s amazing! Books in different languages are available as never! Moreover, the dictionaries are integrated into the e-readers, or you can download the dictionary you need or prefer.

It is a huge step in the development of information society. From the point of view of access to information, books and educational facilities it’s something really outstanding.

Then comes the idea of the storage of printed books. Yes, reading e-books can’t make you boast carefully selected library, but gives you an opportunity to read more. And e-books do not occupy real space. The idea is to read a thousand of books, not to show off that your library contains this thousand. Safe the woods!

Going for a vacation, you don’t have to make a difficult choice of what can you afford with your luggage, you can take twenty books with you and the weight won’t change – 200 grams. Isn’t it a huge advantage? 

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