Написать эссе на английском по этим вопросам what is your opening remark? where are you? are you staying? what is the weather like?
what are you plans for today?
what are you plans for tommorow?
what are you closing remarks?

tatblin tatblin    3   14.03.2021 19:52    8

tsybizovaanya tsybizovaanya  13.04.2021 19:52

I live (write yours) My opening remarks (write yours) Today is a sunny day, the mood is good. Plans for today are not small.

1 i go to school

2. After school, I will go to my friend's birthday. And others will of course

3.We'll go to the cinema

4. Let's go to a restaurant to celebrate.

5. I'm going home.

6.Rest for today everything

There are no plans for tomorrow.

I’m all for today. This rarely happens to me. Today has turned out to be good and fun for mе.

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