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naumchenkova87 naumchenkova87    3   17.12.2020 21:02    0

Yana2502 Yana2502  16.01.2021 21:03


                                  "Me and my career"

In the life of every person, there comes a moment of making important decisions that determine his further path. The question of choosing a profession is undoubtedly such. Despite the fact that many graduates find themselves in areas not related to professional orientation, I want to work in my specialty - "Roads and Airfields".

I chose this direction for a reason - my parents also once made such a step. And although my mother has not worked in her specialty for a long time, my father remains faithful to his work to this day. So we can safely say that we have a family of hereditary road workers. That is why it is so important for me to approach my business with great responsibility, not to lose my face.

Today, as well as hundreds of years ago, a significant part of freight and passenger traffic in the country is carried out by highways, and that is why the main problem in the development of the infrastructure of the Russian Federation is the availability of high-quality and functional highways. There are known cases of complete or partial destruction of the road bed almost immediately after construction, due to the unprofessionalism of the road workers. And to solve this problem, specialists are needed who can competently manage the process of construction, repair and maintenance of highways.

In modern conditions, companies engaged in the construction industry and claiming leading positions in the market need to use not only the accumulated experience, but also introduce the achievements of modern science into the workflow. The use of discoveries in the field of satellite systems and in the field of nanotechnology will allow Russian companies to enter the world level. But the success of companies depends not only on the introduction of know-how, but also the atmosphere within the team is an integral part of it. Well-coordinated work and understanding the importance of processes are one of the main points of success in any business.

In conclusion, I note that during the educational process, I not only mastered the basic principles of road design, the technology of their construction, but also understood the physical meaning of each process of creating a road project. In my opinion, it is not just knowledge, but the understanding of the process that distinguishes an ordinary engineer from a professional who is able to see not only the problem in perspective, but also the ways to solve it.

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