написать диалог на английском на тему : отправить подарок на. день рождения для вашего друга по почте нужно !​

SerAv2000 SerAv2000    2   16.03.2021 15:40    20

ŦøPňŷŦĩĩ78 ŦøPňŷŦĩĩ78  16.03.2021 15:50

-Good morning! May I help you (cashier)

-Good morning to you too. I don't know what I should buy for y friend for his birthday! He lives in another country so the gift should be light.

-Hm, let me think about that.

-Do as you please.

-I have an idea! You could send him some books! I think 3-4 of them should somewhere around 4 kilos.

-You saved me! Thank you a lot!

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