Написать 9 правил в школе по с употреблением must и mustn't

Mondy228 Mondy228    2   24.09.2019 12:20    0

муратдавлетов муратдавлетов  08.10.2020 15:07
1. You must wear school uniform.
2. You must listen to your teacher.
3. You must keep order on the desk.
4. You must go into the class before a call.
5.You must be quite at the lessons.
6. You mustn't be late for school.
7. You mustn't talk to your classmates at lessons.
8. You mustn't run in classrooms and corridors.
9. You mustn't be rude to your teachers. 
sergei4404 sergei4404  08.10.2020 15:07
I must help about the home
I mustn't boast
I must listen to perents
I mustn't fight
I must study
I mustn't deceive
I must read work of fiction
I mustn't laugh at somebody
I must do homework
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