Написать 2 пожелания (предсказания). ! а game "fortune - teller". work in a group of four or five. write on a sheet of paper one sentence about what will happen to yuor classmates in the future. you can write real or imaginary things. fold the paper and pass it on to each other. then read your fortune. example: on july 31st you will go to a playday party in london. in five years you will fly into space.

DashaDoro03 DashaDoro03    3   30.03.2019 15:30    2

Lol666kek Lol666kek  27.05.2020 17:50

1. On June 1st you will win a trip to Disney Land

2. In two years you will create your own movie and win Oscar Award



oxanalusevich oxanalusevich  27.05.2020 17:50

My former schoolmate Petja became the president of Russia.

My former schoolmate Elena became an actress.



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