Напечатайте Past Simple отдельных глаголов. Например: stop - stopped. Bridgit Jones
(make) up her mind to throw a party for her best friends.She
(say) that she
(want) to cook all the dishes herself. When her friends
(hear) about her plans they
(be) skeptical, but they
(decide) to give her a chance. Bridgit
(learn) some easy recipes from the cookery book,
(go) to the shop and bought all the necessary ingredients. She
(pay) a lot of money for them, but she
(be) not sorry about it as she
(want) to impress her friends with her cooking. But actually she
(overestimate) her abilities as a cook. She
(spoil) all the dishes and
(make) them absolutely inedible. When she
(light) the candle she nearly
(burn) all the house down. She
(understand) that she
(be) a loser.She
(stand) in the middle of her ruined kitchen in total despair.

The other day my grandfather
(tell) me an exciting story. Once many centuries ago pirates
(attack) a trading ship in the Indian Ocean. The crew
(fight) bravely, but the pirates
(win). They
(get) on board the ship and
(shoot) most of the crew including the captain. They
(get) a lot of valuable things: gold and silver, pearls and diamonds, furs and spices. They
(sell) some of the things in a nearby port, but they
(decide) to hide most of the treasure on a desert island. They
(dig) a big pit and
(bury) their treasure there. They
(put) a secret mark above that place. But some years later the mark somehow
(disappear) and they
(lose) the hiding place forever. The treasure is still somewhere on the island waiting for an adventurous soul to find it.

(decide) to buy a shepherd puppy as he
(feel) he really
(need) a friend. Before he actually
(buy) it he
(read) a number of books written by people who
(take) care of dogs professionally. He also
(consult) his friends who
(keep) three dogs. Finally the day came when he
(bring) his new pet home. It
(be) difficult at first. The puppy
(be) very messy and Henry
(sweep) the floor three times a day to keep the apartment clean. He
(feed) his pet six times a day and never
(leave) it alone.The puppy
(sleep) near his own bed. When it
(grow) up a little it
(become) a great companion. It
(meet) Henry every day after work and happily
(hold) his slippers for him.Thisfriendshipreally
(mean) alottoHenry.

alina06alina alina06alina    3   22.10.2020 15:15    112

aadfgjrv aadfgjrv  22.10.2020 16:01
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