Надо вставить do, don't, does, doesn't, did, didn't (объясните, , правило) 1. you watch tv yesterday? no, i 2. you do your homework every day? yes, i 3. your mum bakebread n sundays? no, she 4. __ your friend usually have lunch at school? yes, he 5. nelly read a book last night? no, she 6. the children often play in the park? no, they

лалвллв лалвллв    2   02.06.2019 14:20    9

myza05 myza05  03.07.2020 09:54
1. _Did__ you watch TV yesterday?  No, I _didn't__(pas simple)
2. __Do_ you do your homework every day? Yes, I _do__(prasent simple)
3. _Does__ your mum bakebread on Sundays? No, she _doesn't_(present simple)_
4.  _Does_ your friend usually have lunch at school? Yes, he _does_(present simple)_
5. _Did__ Nelly read a book last night? No, she _didn't__(Past simple)
6. __Do_ the children often play in the park? No, they __don't__Present simple)
present simple HE / SHE/ IT stavim does ostalnix sluciyax DO
past simple  did
736Nikolay11111111 736Nikolay11111111  03.07.2020 09:54
1) did you? No, I didn't
2)do you do? Yes, I do
3)does your mum? No she doesn't
4) does your friend? Yes he does
5) did nelly read? No she didn't
6) do the children...? No they don't
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