Надо составить предложения
been/ beautiful/ They/ this/ already/ to/ have country.
this/at/ has/ yet/ eaten/ restaurant/not /She.
were / with /afternoon / you /Who /yesterday?
met/ famous/ you/ a/ ever/ person/ Have?
your / toy /was /when /were / favourite / 5 / What / you?
to /what / boys / not / The /know /did / do.

меркульева меркульева    2   18.04.2020 10:59    1

maksimiksanov maksimiksanov  13.10.2020 11:13

1. They have already been to this beautiful country.

2. She hasn't eaten at this restaurant yet.

3. Who were with you yesterday afternoon?

4 Have you ever met a famous person?

5. What was your favourite toy when you were 5?

6. The boys didn't know what to do.

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