Надо составить 7 запитань к тексту запитання загальнеспецыально,до пидмета,альтернативне,роздылове и ещо 2 любых типо етих текст вот theseanimalsareextinct . theylivedintheolddays , buttherearenomammoths ,nododosandnoquaggastoday .hunterskilledthemall . . extinct, too . someanimals are in dangerbecausepeople hunt them. people kill wild cats, . someanimals are in dangerbecausepeople catch themandsell themfor pets . someanimals are in dangerbecausepeople are theirhomes . somecountries nowhavenational parks . scientistssometimes moveanimalstothese parks . theanimalsaresafe , because peoplecan’tcutdownthetreesorkill theanimals . innewzealand scientistssavedtheblack robin. the world . the female’smanewas“old blue “.whenshelaideggs , . thesebirdslooksafterthe babyrobins. ‘old blue ‘saw her emptynest andshelaid more eggs . robins . . .youcan helptoo ! надо

KewaKewka KewaKewka    3   20.05.2019 02:20    2

annakota2 annakota2  01.10.2020 00:21

1. Did hunters kill mammoths, dodos and  no  guaggas?

2. Why are some  animals in danger?

3. Who sometimIn  New  Zealand scientists  saved  the  black robin.es  moves  animals  to National Parks?

4.  Did scientists inNew  Zealand or in Australia save  the  black robin?

5. A  lot  of  groups  work  to  save  the  animals, don't they?

6. What animals  are  extinct?

7. What birds   look  after  the baby  robins?

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