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Although the Romans had occupied Britain, there were many British men and women hidden away in the great forests and swamps who refused to submit. These men were fierce fighters, and they often came out of their hiding places and attacked small Roman forts or outposts. Then, when the Romans brought up reinforcements, they disappeared into the forests where the Romans could not find them.

Some of the British tribes were more warlike than others, and one of these was the tribe of the Iceni, who lived in what is now Norfolk. In those days this part of England was covered with swamps, and the Roman soldiers had never completely conquered it.

Less than twenty years after the Roman invasion, the men of the Iceni tribe revolted headed by their warlike Queen Boadicea. The Roman army was far away fighting in North Wales, when Boadicea, with 100,000 fighting men, destroyed first the Roman town of Colchester, and then, soon afterwards, the towns of London and St Albans. These towns were all burned to the ground, and all the people were cruelly killed.

The Roman Governor of Britain at that time was a famous soldier named Suetonius. When the news of the revolt of the Iceni reached him, he was in the middle of a campaign against the men of Wales. In spite of it he decided that he must march across England and attack Boadicea and the Iceni as soon as possible.

He had about 10,000 trained Roman soldiers with him, and although Boadicea had ten times that number, Suetonius had no doubt that the training and discipline of the Roman army would give him the victory.

Suetonius placed his men on the slope of a hill, protected by woods on both sides. The British thought that the Romans were trapped, and they crowded in the woods to attack them. At the right moment, when Boadicea's men were so crowded together that they could not use their arms, the Romans attacked, and the British were completely beaten.

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