Надо соединить правельные ответы . заранее напишите типо 1 с 2 б заранее1 actor, actress2 audience3 cast4 company5 choreographer6 critic7 director8 playwright9 prompter10 set designer11 stage hand12 stage manager13 understudy14 usher,a) the person who writes reviews of nonplays, musicals, etc.b) all the people who act in a play or amusicalc) learns another actor's part in order tobe able to take his place if he or she isill or unable to performd) reminds the actors of their next line ina speech if they forget ite) shows people coming to watch the playor musical to their seatsf) makes up or arranges the steps for thedancers who perform on stageg) designs the scenery, etc. on stageh) a group of actors, singers or dancerswho work together, e.g. the royalshakespearei) the people who come to watch a play ora musicalj) helps behind the scenes during aproduction, e.g. by moving scenery, etc.k) a person who writes playsl is responsible for everything thathappens on stage during a performancem) a person whose job is actingñ) decides how a play is performed; tellsthe actors what to do​

knaletov knaletov    2   15.05.2019 17:20    17

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