Надо с вопросом по ! необходимо подобрать слово, которое подойдет ко всем трем предложениям: the house outside the village was in a sorry ……. it desperately needed renovating. for years the countries have been in a ………. of war. the newly-elected head of ……….. was welcomed at the airport by crowds of people. !

McEgorKa McEgorKa    1   28.09.2019 07:31    1

Дисконет Дисконет  10.09.2020 19:10

The house outside the village was in a sorry STATE.  It desperately needed renovating.

GizaHelinc GizaHelinc  10.09.2020 19:10

For years the countries have been in a condition of war;

The newly-elected head of City Council was welcomed at the airport by crowds of people;

The house outside the village was in a sorry broken It desperately needed renovating.

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