надо present simple, present continuous, past simple ​

надо present simple, present continuous, past simple ​

ЭтотникужезанятSimon ЭтотникужезанятSimon    3   22.01.2021 18:17    3

prohorowanyura prohorowanyura  21.02.2021 18:17

She is helping her

She often goes

Where did they spont

I don't know, I am thinking they are in France

Where are you going? I am going

How often do you swim

did exercises, dressed and had breakfast

When Sara is 5 she cans

A man is swimming... .

The boys learn

She didn't work in the garden. She is very

When does he usually get up?

He always gets up

But today he stills, sleeps

Yesterday he painted the house and got very tired.

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