надо поставить в правильное время + раскрыть скобки

ashotik007 ashotik007    3   17.07.2020 16:13    2

Alips Alips  15.10.2020 15:24

Mary plays tag every day. We go to school on Friday. He likes to study. I usually have dinner at 2. Sometimes he goes to the cinema with his friends. They seldom meet each other. He often comes to see his Granny.


vovanharahashyox7cel vovanharahashyox7cel  15.10.2020 15:24

Это время Present simple.

В этом времени к глаголу, который относится к 3 лицу единственного числа прибавляется -s. А если глагол оканчивается на гласный, то тогда мы прибавляем -es.

Mary plays tag every day. We go to school on Friday. He likes to study. I usually have dinner at 2. Sometimes he goes to the cinema with his friends. They seldom meet each other. He often comes to see his Granny.

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