Надо перевести текст ! на завтрак моя семья ест овсяную кашу с молоком и пьёт чай.на ланч я и мой брат едим в школе, мама на работе пьёт чай с печеньем, папа не ест.на обед всся семья ест то макароны с мясом, то картошку с сосисками. на ужин мы едим гречу с салатом, или не едим вообще. мне. сдавать завтра. ещё учить. заранее .

spaceman666 spaceman666    1   29.06.2019 00:50    1

Aysun115 Aysun115  23.07.2020 01:50
For Breakfast my family eats oatmeal with milk and drinking tea.For lunch my brother and I eat at school, mom at work drinking tea with cookies, dad's not eating.For lunch, wssa family eats the pasta with meat, potatoes and sausage. For dinner we eat buckwheat salad, or not eat at all.
koptevartem050 koptevartem050  23.07.2020 01:50
on the breakfast my family prefer to eat the oatmeal with milk and drink a cup of tea. When we have a lunchtime my brother and I eat at school, our mother drinks a cup of tea with а cookie on her working break and father hasn't got a lunch.
The dinner consists of the pasta with meet or potatoes with sausages.
On the supper we usually eat buckwheat with salad or don't have a meal at all.
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