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1. After a major fire occurred in Rome in 6 A.D. a permanent fire brigade, the Corps of Vigils, was established, The Emperor Augustus created 7 regiments. Each unit had 500 men. They were housed in large barracks. There was a ranking system of officers and ordinary firefighters. The Vigils, correctly dressed and equipped with buckets and axes, fought fires and patrolled the streets serving as police.

2. For many centuries fires in Russia had been extinguished by people themselves. At a fire alarm all the inhabitants had to hurry to the fire scene with their own tools. It was not effective because people were not trained to fight fires. Sometimes they did not put out a fire, but took icons and went round not burning houses. In 1504, in Moscow was organized the so-called fire-guard service. More or less organized fire service was created in 1550 when “streltsy” helped fight fires

Evgeniasvavilna Evgeniasvavilna    1   24.03.2020 16:41    3

Viktoriya3124 Viktoriya3124  24.03.2020 17:30

После того, как в 6 г. н.э. в Риме произошел крупный пожар, была создана постоянная пожарная бригада «Корпус Вигилов(?)». Император Август создал 7 полков. В каждом подразделении было 500 человек. Они были размещены в больших казармах. Существовала система распределения офицеров и рядовых пожарных. Вигилы(??), правильно одетые и вооруженные ведрами и топорами, тушили пожары и патрулировали улицы, служа полицией.


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