Надо написать письмо другу почему яблоко в день это полнзно

ЭтотникужезанятSimon ЭтотникужезанятSimon    1   28.05.2019 05:20    1

nikita200310266xcute nikita200310266xcute  25.06.2020 15:25
Hello my dear friend!
You asked me about apples in your last letter and about their utility.
As for me, I eat an apple every day. And I want you to eat an apple every day too.
Apples contain minerals such as magnesium, copper, manganese, copper, calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus in small quantities. Apples also contain dietary fiber, which helps in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol.
Apples are rich in vitamin A and C. Their vitamin A concentration is higher in the outer skin than in the flesh. Like potatoes, the vitamin C concentration is higher just below the skin in apples as well. Therefore, the skin of the apple should not be discarded. Other vitamins present in apples include vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6.
That's why you should eat an apple every day!
With best regards,
your friend (Здесь ваше имя)
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