надо исправить ошибки. 1. I can’t help you. I don’t know nothing about the history of France.
2. He didn’t say what was his name to me.
3. What wretched weather! You may be wet to the skin!
4. ‘May I come in?’ ‘Yes, you might.’
5. Supposed they had offered you the job, would you have taken it?
6. They will take their family photo at the photographer's.

imbiz imbiz    2   04.06.2020 14:25    1

Dinochka99 Dinochka99  15.10.2020 13:03

1. I don't know anything about the history of France.

(В отрицательном предложении не используется nothing.)

2. He didn't tell me what his name was.

(Tell me вместо say to me.)

3. What a wretched weather! You might get wet to the skin!

(Might - возможность, may - разрешение.)

4. Yes, you may.

(ответ да, можно (а не да, мог бы) на вопрос можно я зайду.)

5. Supposedly they offered you the job, will(would) you take it?

(Наречие вместо прилагательного и убрать ненужное согласование времен во второй части.)

6. They will take their family photo at the photographer's studio.

(Тут и не ошибка вовсе, а лексическая неграмотность.)


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