Надо. через 10 минут тест, а я забыла про : fill in the gaps with adjectives or adverbs 1. he………… reads a book. (quick). 2. mandy is a ……………………… girl. (pretty) 3. the class is …………………………. loud today. (terrible). 4. max is a…………………………. singer. (good). 5. you can…………………………… open this tin. (easy) 6. it's a………………………… day today. (terrible) 7. she sings the song…………………(good) 8. he is a……………… driver. (careful) 9. the dog barks…………………. (loud) напишите слова в правильной форме : )

EsmaVaida EsmaVaida    2   28.09.2019 22:20    3

Рома3108 Рома3108  09.10.2020 01:27

He quickly reads a book.

Mandy is a pretty girl.

The class is terribly loud today.

1 Max is a good singer.

2 You can easily open this tin.

3 It's a terrible day today.

4 She sings the song well.

5 He is a careful driver.

6 He drives the car carefully.

7 The dog barks loudly.

Lolkek3332 Lolkek3332  09.10.2020 01:27
Quickly reads,pretty girl,terribly loud,good singer,easily open,terrible day,well,a careful driver,loudly.
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