Ник родился в Мельбурне (Австралия) с редкой болезнью: у него до уровня плечей отсутствуют обе руки, а крошечная нога с двумя пальцами выступает прямо из левого бедра. Несмотря на отсутствие конечностей, он занимается серфингом и плаванием, играет в гольф и футбол. Ник закончил колледж, получив диплом сразу по двум специализациям - бухгалтерский учет и финансовое планирование. Сегодня любой желающий может прийти на его лекцию, на которых Ник мотивируют людей, особенно подростков, никогда не сдаваться и верить в себя, на своем примере доказывая, что даже невозможное возможно. Nick was born in Melbourne, Australia, with a rare disease: he has both hands to the shoulder level, and a tiny two-fingered leg protrudes straight out of the left hip. Despite the lack of limbs, he is engaged in surfing and swimming, playing golf and football. Nick graduated from college with a diploma in two specializations - accounting and financial planning. Today anyone can come to his lecture, on which Nick motivate people, especially teenagers, never to give up and believe in himself, proving by his own example that even the impossible is possible
Nick was born in Melbourne, Australia, with a rare disease: he has both hands to the shoulder level, and a tiny two-fingered leg protrudes straight out of the left hip. Despite the lack of limbs, he is engaged in surfing and swimming, playing golf and football. Nick graduated from college with a diploma in two specializations - accounting and financial planning. Today anyone can come to his lecture, on which Nick motivate people, especially teenagers, never to give up and believe in himself, proving by his own example that even the impossible is possible