на 6 задание тоже ответы сделайте умолююю Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple). .1.The Browns... a nice house in the country. A has got B have got 2 Jane Smith (speak) English? A. Is... speak B. Does ... speak C. Do ... speaks 3.Jack lives not far from us, but we (not / see) him often. A. not see B doesn't see C don't see 4.… your sister often (go) to the theatre? A Is ... go B Does... go C Do ... goes 5. .-...you... any time to help me? -Sorry, I A Do you have, don't B Have you got, am not C Do you have, have got Задание 2. Продолжите предложения (Present Continuous). 1. He can't go out because it (rain).— 2. He can't work because his brother (cry).— 3. She can’t answer the phone because she (have a bath). – 4. She can't learn the poem because we (sing) in the next room. — Задание 3. Раскройте скобки (Present Simple / Present Continuous). 1. Most people in Britain (have) porridge for breakfast. 2. This student usually (get) to college on foot. 3. As a rule I (not / keep) a diet. 4. What summer sport (you / prefer)? 5. Granny is in the kitchen. She (cook) dinner. 6. We (not / have) lessons now. It’s too late. 7. Why (you / smile)? Задание 4.Задайте вопрос с новым подлежащим, используя модальный глагол. 1. She can jump very high. (you) 2. He should keep fit. (his sister) 3. You must attend everyday trainings. (your friends) 4. I may stay here. (we) Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык. 1. Could you help me with my homework? 2. You should go in for swimming if you want to be healthy. 3. I don’t know where they are. They may be at the stadium. 4. May I come in? - No, you mustn’t. 5. I can’t make this salad. I don’t know the recipe. 6. He needn’t get up early tomorrow. Задание 6. ответьте на вопросы. 1. When do you come home? 2. Do you watch TV or surf the Internet in the evening? 3. How long does it take you to do your homework? When do you usually have lunch? What do you prefer for dinner? What is your favourite dish? What sport do you go in for? Can you skate? Задание 7. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. As a rule I go to bed … 11 o’clock. (in, from, at, on) 2. It … me 15 minutes to get to college. (gives, does, takes) 3. At the meetings we … academic or social problems of our group. (speak, discuss, write, sing) 4. Then I come home, have dinner and rest because I am really … . (happy, strong, healthy, tired) 5. We get … from animals and birds, plants and fishes. (food, water, meals, milk) 6. … is the last meal of the day. (dinner, lunch, supper, breakfast) 7. … is a snack which many people prefer for breakfast. (sandwich, salad, soup, spaghetti) 8. Pizza is the … word for pie. (German, Italian, French, Chinese) 9. The most popular … sports are table tennis and chess. (indoor, outdoor) 10.The Olympic Games, which take place every four years, are a good example of … (concert, competition, match). 11. Only the … sportsmen may take part in the Olympic Games. (best, weakest, worst) 12. … is the most popular sport. It is traditionally called “the queen of all sports”. (gliding, boxing, horseracing, track-and-field)

ааа515 ааа515    1   17.06.2020 11:47    7

Учениклвл505 Учениклвл505  06.09.2020 23:28


1 B have got

2 B. Does ... speak

3 C don't see

4 B Does... go

5 A Do you have, don't


1 is raining

2 is crying

3 is having a bath

4 are singing


1 have

2 gets

3 do not keep

4 ... do you prefer ?

5 is cooking

6 are not having ...

7 Why are you smiling?


1 can you jump very high?

2 should his sister keep fit?

3 must your friends attend everyday trainings?

4 may we stay here?


1. Не могли бы вы мне с домашним заданием?

2. Ты должен заниматься плаванием, если хочешь быть здоровым.

3. Я не знаю, где они сейчас. Они могут быть на стадионе.

4. Могу ли войти? - Нет, ты не должен.

5. Я не могу приготовить этот салат. Я не знаю рецепта.

6. Завтра ему не придется вставать рано.


1 I come home at 5 p.m

2 I surf the Internet in the evening

3 It takes me 2-3 hours to do my homework

4 I usually have lunch at 12 o'clock

5 I prefer Italian salad and fish for dinner

6 My favourite dish is a roast chicken

7 I learnt to play chess

8 Yes, I can skate


1 at

2 takes

3 discuss

4 tired

5 food

6 supper

7 sandwich

8 Italian

9 indoor

10 competition

11 best

12 track-and-field

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