My 15-year-old daughter wants to get her tongue pierced. any advice (for me or i personally find the idea dis¬gusting. thank you. 15-летняя дочь хочет получить ее язык пронзили. любые советы (для меня или я лично считаю, что идея отвратительно. барбара не чего придумать не

ALEX2000100 ALEX2000100    2   10.06.2019 18:20    1

МАРИЯpahal МАРИЯpahal  01.10.2020 23:54
Hello,dear Barbara.It's normal,when parents and their children have a misunderstanding about each other.Anyway,you shouldn't  judge your daughter hardly.It could be better,if you will discuss with her about why she wants a piercing.Also you can offer something instead of piercing,if you don't like it.So your daughter should think about it more,maybe it will be look on her ugly.I hope,my advices will be helpful.Good Luck!
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