Mr Hill: Goodbye class. See you tomorrow. Kim! You can can't eat chocolate in the classroom!
Kim: Sorry, Mr Hill. Where can I can't I eat my chocolate?
Mr Hill: You can I can't eat it outside, in the playground. Sam! You can /
can't play football inside!
Sam: Sorry, Mr Hill. Where can I can't play football?
Mr Hill: You can 7 can't play football in the playground, of course! Don't be silly.
Lucy! You can I can't touch the flowers at school.
Lucy: Sorry, Mr Hill. They are so pretty!
Mr Hill: You can I can't look at them, but you can can't touch. Alex! You
can I can't ride your bike in the playground.
Alex: Sorry, Mr Hill. Where can I can't I ride my bike?
1. can't 1 ride my bike?
Mr Hill: In the park.
Policeman: You can I can't cross the road here!
Mr Hill: Sorry. Where can I can't I cross the road?