Можно решить вот это вот. Заранее Используй суффиксы -able, -an, -al, -er, -ful, -tion, -ness и приставку un-, чтобы
образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.
1 The professor's is only a toy not a real car. INVENT
2 The teacher asks us to write two sentences. MEANING
3 А came to our school to take an interview. REPORT
4 Read the text from this magazine. AUSTRALIA
5 The water is dirty, it is not .
6 May I ask you a question?
7 His flat was large but . СOMFORTABLE
8 He can develop a very serious .

sunriseliva sunriseliva    2   13.05.2020 11:48    22

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