Можно поскорее перевести на second conditional 1 if the wearher is warm,we shal bathe in the river. 2 if there is much snow in january,they will go skiing. 3 if the rain stops,the girls will go for a walk 4 if he is not very busy,he will help you 5 if you work hard,you will pass all exams

missasha04 missasha04    2   13.07.2019 11:40    1

IÎrîskåI IÎrîskåI  20.09.2020 01:18
1 If the weather were warm,we would bathe in the river.
2 If there were much snow in January,they would go skiing.
3 If the rain stopped,the girls would go for a walk.
4 If he were not very busy,he would help you.
5 If you worked hard,you would pass all exams.
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