Можете ответить там где __) a/an/the Complete the text .
My father is doctor and he works in __

hospital and my mother is__ for journal ist- she works for__ magazine.

They love__ travelling. Every year we spend__ holidays in different country . Last year we went India and we loved __country and__


___weather was very nice - we were in___north of India so it wasn't very hot and___ nights were cold. We liked___

food, too. We usually had__

sandwiches for___ lunch but in the evening, we had ___dinner in___ local restaurant.And evere morning we had___cup of Indian tea ___it's strong ,

sweet and they make it with___ milk and ___spices.

ДанилКаДми ДанилКаДми    3   28.01.2021 20:47    1

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