Моя любимая книга тарас и бульба на .
текст , потом перевод.

lanaruden lanaruden    1   30.09.2019 15:27    20

isadulla isadulla  04.08.2020 20:16


My favorite book is "Taras Bulba". It is everything:

courage and betrayal, life and death , love and sorrow .

The action takes place in very difficult times for Ukraine . War changes

people , but even in moments like these, there's a time for feeling. Sometimes they are life-threatening . So it happened with the younger son of Taras-Andriy . In the name of love he betrayed Homeland . To love him was not forbidden , but go to the enemy side is a terrible thing , I strongly condemn it . Being at war, you have to think only about your Homeland . I don't think what Andriy did was right . As you know, for all actions have to pay. He paid with his life.

"Taras Bulba" is a very tragic work. Two sons are killed before the father's eyes, one dying by his hand and the other executed . Ostap is the eldest son of Taras. He meets his death with dignity, he does not make a sound . A decent death is its own reward . Taras is proud of him . Ataman is a very strong man, he has nerves of steel , because to see the death of their loved ones is not so easy , especially his sons , and then stay in his right mind.

Taras Bulba can be put as an example, it combines all the qualities of a real man . He courageous, brave and importantly very wise

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