Mother’s Day
“Eat your food”, “Be careful”, “Don’t be late” are some phrases mothers are famous for! But it’s not only advice and orders that they give. Mothers offer us unlimited love and support throughout our lives. To thank them for what they do for us every day, we honour them on Mother’s Day, every year! Most countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May, while others have their Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year.
The custom of honouring mothers on a special day probably started in Ancient Greece. Back then, the people paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, each spring. In the 1600s, another type of Mother’s Day appeared. It was celebrated in England on the fourth Sunday during Lent and it was called “Mothering Sunday”. On Mothering Sunday, the servants who used to live with their employers were encouraged to return home and honour their mothers. It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.
Today, people all over the world do special things to please their mothers on this day. They send them cards, give them flowers and chocolates and take them out to lunch. Little children make special gifts for their mothers and sometimes they even do the chores around the house to let their mothers have a relaxing day!

Task 4. Find synonyms for these words in the text.
Mummy,well, known, universal, various, unusual, it was named, master, come back home, kids, presents, home duties, a rest day.

seropyan2006 seropyan2006    2   01.05.2020 16:56    5

egorikmail826 egorikmail826  14.10.2020 05:48

Mummy – mother

Well-known – famous

Universal – all over the world

Various – different

Unusual – special

It was named – it was called

Master – employer

Come back home – to return home

Kids – children

Presents – gifts

Home duties – chores

A rest day – relaxing day


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