Монолог на тему я люблю слушать музыку на

hyyyser hyyyser    1   19.05.2019 17:10    0

guyfdfff55 guyfdfff55  12.06.2020 21:24

Music plays a great role in our lives. From the very beginning, our mums sing songs to calm us down. Then, we start to speak and to sing songs, of course. At first, they are simple, childish, then we learn new songs, someone tries to play music with a piano, a violine, either drums. Those, who has no talant in playing music, find themselves enjoying by listening to music. It can be classic or modern, pop or rock, electro or jazz. Tastes differ, different people choose different music. But inspite of this, they choose MUSIC. That's why music is very important for us, for our education. As for me, I like to listen to classic music. I try to understand the message of the authors, such as Beethoven, Chaikovskiy, Mozart and others and I feel better when I listen to classic music.

Niki567890 Niki567890  12.06.2020 21:24

music very importan for me . most of all i listening music in english. i listening different kind of music for example rock pop and other. my favorite band is also i have my favorite singer is i think without music i cannot imagine my ife

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