Моей маме 38 лет. она добрая и умная. у неё зелёные глаза. у неё загорелая кожа.волосы у неё прямые, короткие , темного цвета. она среднего роста. у неё курносый нос ,полные губы .она хорошо выглядит . и я её люблю.
My mother is 38 years old . She's kind and smart. Her eyes are green . Her skin is tanned. Her hair is short, straight, dark color . She's medium height. She has a snub nose and full lips . She looks good . And I love her very much
My mother is thirty eight years old. She is a nice and a beautiful. She has green eyes. She has tanned skin. She has straight, short and dark hair. She is middle-height
My mother is thirty eight years old. She is a nice and a beautiful. She has green eyes. She has tanned skin. She has straight, short and dark hair. She is middle-height