Много ! в косвенную речь: angel: -hello.are you a shop assistant? s.a. : -yes, i am. i help you? angel: - yes. bring me a black t-shirt. s.a. : -sure, it's no problem. s.a : - here,take it. angel: -thanks,where's the fitting room? s.a : -it's over there. angel: -is it my colour? s.a. : - it suits you.

AbiloWa AbiloWa    1   11.09.2019 15:10    0

НуриманН НуриманН  07.10.2020 07:40
-Angel asked me if i was a shop assistant
-I replied that i was a shop assistant and i asked her if i could help her
-she asked me to bring her a black t-shirt
- i answered that it was not a problem for me
-she asked me then where the fitting room was
-i replied that it was over there
-she asked me if it was her colour
I said to her that i suited her
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