мнее V.321 Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в форме инфинитива в функ-
ции подлежащего и именной части составного сказуемого:
to give, to take, to do, to be, to learn, to correct, to love,
to care, to deal, to increase, to argue, to swim
1. someone is not to posses them. 2. a small mistake may help to
avoid making a bigger one. 3. with wild dolphins may be quite dangerous.
4. It’s easier advice than to receive advice. 5. It’s never too late .
6. It’s useless unnecessary risks. 7.There is no need , we’ll settle the matter
anyway. 8. It’s better with a problem at an early stage to prevent it from getting
worse. 9. It’s better the leader of a small group than a subordinate in a bigger
one. 10. It’s better something, even if it’s late, than not to do anything at all.
11. A person’s first duty is for his own family. 12. Our idea was the
Internet download speed.
V.322 Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме инфинитива в функции прямого
дополнения по смыслу:
to accept, to know, to survive, to be, to do, to have,
to hear, to join, to return, to cook, to change, to deliver
1. If you try two things at the same time, you won’t succeed in doing either
of them. 2. We suddenly agreed a company name. 3. Our colleague intended
to his native town, but then he changed his mind. 4. I hope from
my friend soon. 5. My friend has refused a job offer. 6. My friend has decided
the army. 7. Life is just meant a challenge. 8. My cousin has finally
learned delicious meals. 9. Like most animals living in the desert, desert snakes
manage in conditions of extremely dry climate. 10. Our postman has failed
dozens of the items of mail. 11. Leonardo da Vinci was the man who wanted
everything. 12. I would like fun and enjoy every day of my life.
V.323 Продолжите предложения, используя инфинитив в функции прямого
дополнения после прилагательных в составе именного сказуемого:
e.g. I am sorry (to disturb).
I am sorry to disturb you.
1. I am happy (to help). 2. I am glad (to hear). 3. I am sorry
(to be). 4. My cousin is afraid (to go). 5. Are you proud (to have)?
6. I am so upset (to discover). 7. I am surprised (to find out).
8. I am not ready (to discuss). 9. I am pleased (to get).
10. Are you shocked (to see)?
V.324 Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме инфинитива в функции опре-
деления по смыслу:
to see, to discover, to tell, to leave, to make,
to have, to climb, to stop, to milk, to eat
1. Who was the first Mount Everest? 2. Who was the first America?
3. Who was the first a cow? 4. Who was the first chocolate? 5. Who
was the last the office? 6. Who was the last the documents?
7. Who was the last a job interview? 8. Have you got anything for
lunch? 9. Have you got anything interesting us? 10. Have you got anything
a headache?
V.328 Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в отрицательной форме инфи-
нитива в функции прямого дополнения:
1. Our neighbours hope into trouble anymore (to get). 2. We are trying
an older program for calculations (to use). 3. We agreed in a brief telephone
survey (to participate). 4. I have recently learned provocative questions (to
answer). 5. My cousin decided her new yellow coat (to wear). 6. Our colleague
intends for new friends on Facebook anymore (to search). 7. We wanted
what had happened to us (to remember). 8. I’ve managed my final
test in Biology (to fail). 9. I was recommended advice when I wasn’t asked to
(to give). 10. I was told too many questions (to ask). 11. I am sorry you
every day (to see). 12. We are surprised from you for such a long time (to hear).
V 329. Замените придаточные предложения оборотом с инфинитивом совер-
шенного времени Perfect Infinitive:
e.g. I am sorry that I have offended you.
I am sorry to have offended you.
1. I am sorry that I have written such a long letter. 2. I am glad that I have found a new
job. 3. My British friend is proud that he has served in the British Army. 4. My cousin is
happy that she hasn’t followed her colleague’s advice. 5. I’m not sure that I have hidden the
truth from my colleagues. 6. I am afraid that I have misunderstood the task. 7. I hope that
I have informed you sufficiently. 8. My friend is delighted that he has won a competition.
9. I am awfully sorry that I haven’t listened to you. 10. I remember that I haven’t had a
chance to propose my idea.
Әдебиеттер: Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in use”.
V.321: Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в форме инфинитива в функции подлежащего и именной части составного сказуемого:
1. someone is not to possess them. - to possess
Объяснение: В данном случае, если человек не должен владеть ими, мы используем глагол "to possess" (владеть).
2. a small mistake may help to avoid making a bigger one. - to avoid
Объяснение: Глагол "to avoid" (избежать) помогает нам избежать совершения большей ошибки.
3. swimming with wild dolphins may be quite dangerous. - to swim
Объяснение: Если купание с дикими дельфинами (swimming with wild dolphins) является опасным действием, мы используем глагол "to swim" (плавать).
4. It’s easier to give advice than to receive advice. - to give, to receive
Объяснение: В данном случае, мы используем глаголы "to give" (давать совет) и "to receive" (получать совет), чтобы сравнить, что легче делать.
5. It’s never too late to learn. - to learn
Объяснение: В данном предложении мы говорим, что никогда не поздно учиться, поэтому используем глагол "to learn" (учиться).
6. It’s useless to take unnecessary risks. - to take
Объяснение: Если брать ненужные риски бесполезно (It’s useless), мы используем глагол "to take" (брать).
7. There is no need to care, we’ll settle the matter anyway. - to care
Объяснение: Если заботиться (to care) не нужно (There is no need), мы используем глагол "to care".
8. It’s better to deal with a problem at an early stage to prevent it from getting worse. - to deal
Объяснение: Чтобы лучше справиться с проблемой, предотвратив ее ухудшение, мы используем глагол "to deal" (заниматься).
9. It’s better to be the leader of a small group than a subordinate in a bigger one. - to be
Объяснение: Чтобы быть (to be) лидером маленькой группы, это лучше, чем быть подчиненным (a subordinate) в большей группе.
10. It’s better to do something, even if it’s late, than not to do anything at all. - to do
Объяснение: В данном случае, лучше сделать что-то (to do something), даже если это поздно, чем вообще ничего не делать.
11. A person’s first duty is to care for his own family. - to care
Объяснение: Первичный долг у человека - заботиться о своей собственной семье.
12. Our idea was to increase the Internet download speed. - to increase
Объяснение: Наша идея заключалась в увеличении скорости загрузки Интернета.
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