Мне задали написать проект на тему "идеальная система государственного обеспечения граждан". есть план,но в я плох и поэтому не знаю что писать. . план: 1.основные принципы 2.основные сфера. в которых работает система(соц.обеспечение,страхование,здравоохр.) 3.источники дохода /содержания. 4.налоги. 5.категории граждан,имеющих право на . 6.виды . 7.условия,при которых эту можно получить. 8.органы,ответственные за функционирование: правительство и орг.местной власти.
On election day, you have one vote per candidate, so you can give all your votes to one candidate, divide them among the two or there you like more, take away those votes from one candidate or removing them from the two or three you dislike more. That is: you ought to have the power to vote in favor or against a candidate or a group of candidates.
The legislative power must be divided into 2 chambers, as it is now, but one integrated by citizens and capable of discussing and voting bills, the other integrated by specialized constitutional lawyers with the sole propose to reject any bills that don't fully meet constitutional criteria.
Laws must have an expiration date based upon on consent, that is: is a law is approved by 51% then it will expire in 2 years but it is approved unanimously it will expire in a 50 years.